June 27, 2023

Millennial stereotypes span everything from preferring texts over calls, being habitually late for appointments, to change careers more than their undergarments. Whatever stereotypes might come to mind, we can almost guarantee those traits impact their home searching process and preferences.

Buyers often enjoy attending open houses for various reasons. Firstly, open houses provide an opportunity for buyers to explore potential homes in a relaxed and informal setting. Unlike scheduled viewings, open houses allow buyers to freely walk through the property, giving them a chance to examine every nook and cranny without feeling rushed or pressured.

However, we see that open houses have a different potency from a generational standpoint. We saw in Freddie Mac: Millennials and Housing that millennials are currently the largest buying segment. Let's dive into why millennials are more inclined to attend open houses now versus attending private showings.

Convenience & Efficiency

Millennials, often characterized as the tech-savvy and socially connected generation, have a particular affinity for open houses due to several reasons.

Primarily, open houses align with their preference for convenience and efficiency. Millennials, who are accustomed to browsing and researching online, appreciate the accessibility of open houses as a hands-on approach to exploring potential homes.

Open houses allow them to view multiple properties in a single day, saving time and effort compared to scheduling individual showings. This convenience factor resonates well with their fast-paced and multitasking lifestyles.

Transparency & Authenticity

Open houses indulge in millennials' desire for transparency and authentic experiences. Millennials value the opportunity to physically walk through a property, scrutinize its features, and assess its condition firsthand.

By attending open houses, they can personally evaluate the layout, amenities, and overall ambiance of the home, which aligns with their preference for informed decision-making.


Additionally, open houses offer millennials a chance to network and connect with real estate agents. As a generation that values personalized interactions, millennials appreciate the opportunity to engage in direct conversations with agents, who can provide insights and guidance throughout the home-buying process.

We touch on this in our previous WHY OPEN HOUSES WILL DEFINE AGENTS’ SUCCESS THROUGH 2030 blog on how face-to-face interaction increases the agents' brand awareness.

These face-to-face interactions allow them to ask questions, receive expert advice, and establish a relationship of trust, which is vital when they are making one of the biggest decisions of their lives

By The Numbers - (whymillennialsmatter.com)

Social Connection & Community

Open houses attract a diverse range of potential buyers, which appeals to millennials' inclination towards social connection and community. Attending open houses provides an opportunity for millennials to interact with other buyers, exchange experiences and knowledge, and gain a sense of the neighborhood and its potential residents.

This social aspect of open houses creates a vibrant and inclusive atmosphere that resonates well with millennials' desire for community engagement.

What Does This All Mean?

Millennials are drawn to open houses due to their convenience, transparency, personal interaction opportunities, and the social connections they promote. These factors align with millennials' preferences and contribute to their enjoyment of the open house experiences as they navigate the path to homeownership.

What's Next?

We're creating some supplemental materials, such as How to Host Open Houses Like A BOSS (for today's generation). If you want a copy, subscribe to get notified here.

Need some new open house signs, directionals, or a panel rebrand? Get a quote or submit a print order here!